The editor

 Heyy blog. Just Jenna reporting back on the editing progress for the awesome opening sequence of Kazmin and the girls. So this is the second day of editing and I can already see how great the final project will turn out. Today I was in charge of adding transitions to the video and snipping the scenes. So to add transitions the clips of the videos need to be separated. I did this to every scene and snipped em apart basically. Also during all of this I’m using the iMovie software that I use through my Mac book. Okay so once everything is separated I can add the transitions. I watched the clip in between each transitions spot there was to fill. I did this so I didn’t throw in random and out of place transitions. The first few I didn’t do anything crazy probably just a black fade in or a slide in. However for someone of the others I added a black screen and a glitch transitions. This could amp up the video quality. After I added all the necessary transitions, I rewatched the whole thing to make sure everything was normal. Of course it was cause I did it. Lollll. Anyways that was all I did today! Next I can help add titles and then the video will be complete. Can’t wait! See you later blog.


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