Critical Reflection!

 How do your products represent social groups or issues?

“Shattered Bonds,” represents the social issues of exclusion and jealousy among friends, which are common occurrences in many social groups, especially among teenagers. The original duo symbolizes a typical friend group. The introduction of a new girl Olivia disrupts this duo, exploring how social dynamics change with new influences. This reflects the reality that trio friendships can be very challenging, as there is often a closer duo within the trio, hence the line at the end of the film “Trios never work.” The character Kendal, who feels left out, represents the individuals who struggle with feelings of abandonment or jealousy when their close friends from other relationships. This is a common social issue many people face, especially in school environments. In “Shattered Bonds,” Kendall's exclusion becomes apparent as the other girls spend time without her, share pictures excluding her, and form a visibly stronger bond. This exclusion fuels Kendall's jealousy, which stems from feeling replaced by the new girl, Olivia. The extreme reaction of murder underscores the serious consequences that intense feelings of exclusion and jealousy can lead to, although it is an exaggerated representation for the film. Kendall's actions highlight the potential for these emotions to cloud judgment and lead to destructive behavior. The final scene, with Kendall smiling at Olivia's funeral, serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked jealousy and exclusion within social groups. It shows the lengths she was willing to go to get her friendship with Ellie back.

How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of 'branding'?

 "Shattered Bonds," has strong branding through the consistent use of blood-themed imagery across different elements of my production. The title appears in red font with dripping blood in the film, the similar image on the postcard, and the bloody handprints on the website all contribute to a unified visual theme. This consistency in theme not only makes the film easily recognizable but also helps to convey the film's genre and tone to the audience. The blood-themed imagery immediately adds to the murder mystery and horror genre, setting the expectation for the audience. You wouldn't find bloody handprints on a flier for a romance movie. This branding strategy enhances the overall viewing experience, as it creates a sense of continuity and cohesion from the promotional materials to the film itself. The tone and mood of the film, set by the suspenseful music, tense dialogue, and dramatic lighting, align with the horror and mystery suggested by our visual theme. This consistency across different aspects of the film strengthens our brand by providing a unified viewing experience. Going along with the whole overall theme of blood, music, and lighting, you can see how the plot also can create a sense of branding. We have chosen to unfold our plot in a way that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, constantly guessing what's next. This not only distinguishes “Shattered Bonds” from other murder mysteries but also reinforces our brand as a provider of thrilling, engaging narratives.The elements of our production work together effectively to create a strong sense of branding, enhancing recognition and audience engagement with your film. We still follow expectations for the murder mystery genre while still adding our own twists. 

How do your products engage with the audience?

Our products engage with the audience in multiple interactive manners. The post card we produce are not just promotional materials, they are also gateways to our digital presence. By including our social media handles on these postcards, we are extending an invitation to the audience to join us on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok etc. This is not just about promoting our film but about building a community around it or what we hope will become a fandom. Our audience can follow our journey, get exclusive behind-the-scenes content, participate in discussions and polls, and feel a sense of belonging to something larger than just the viewing experience. The website serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it's a hub for all information about “Shattered Bonds,” from its synopsis to its cast and crew. On the other hand, it is a platform for viewers to express their opinions about the film. By allowing users to leave reviews, we're creating a space for dialogue and engagement. We value our audience's thoughts and feelings, and their reviews not only help us understand their perspective but also provide us with critical feedback that can influence our future productions. The murder mystery genre inherently engages audiences due to its suspenseful and intriguing nature. It invites viewers into a guessing game, where they become active participants in unraveling the plot rather than passive observers. In “Shattered Bonds,” we utilized this aspect of the genre to keep our audience hooked. The unfolding mystery of Kendall's extreme reaction, the clues subtly dropped throughout the film, and the shocking reveal all work together to create a narrative puzzle. This encourages the audience to think, speculate, and form theories, making their viewing experience interactive and engaging. The more they invest in solving the mystery, the more they connect with our film, enhancing their overall engagementOur products are designed to engage with the audience at multiple levels, providing them with opportunities for interaction, expression, and immersion

How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions? Research played a significant role in shaping “Shattered Bonds” and its promotional strategies. We recognized the impact of social media on teenagers' lives, not only as a promotional tool but also as a source of drama and conflict within friendships, us being just teenage girls also adds to what we know about trios/duos and the effect social media can have from a first-person perspective.  This helps really show what it is like throughout the film. An example of where we incorporated this into the film, is when Kendall sees a photo on Instagram of Ellie and Olivia without her, reflecting the real life issues that social media can cause. This also aligns with genre conventions, where we see Ellie and Olivia grow closer and start to exclude Kendall. Now Kendal is filled with jealousy just as anyone might be who is in the trio. Some of the audience members could have seen our attempts to challenge these conventions by initially making it seem as if Ellie was the killer, only to reveal it was Kendall all along. This subverted the typical “jealous best friend” trope, adding a twist to our narrative. This is seen at the beginning of the film by having Kendall is the one to introduce Olivia to Ellie, turning the duo into a trio. This made the ensuing conflict Kendall's own doing, adding complexity to her character. In these ways, our research-informed both our film and promotional strategies, guiding how we used and challenged genre conventions for a unique and engaging narrative.

In conclusion…

"Shattered Bonds" is more than just a murder mystery film; it's a reflection of the complex social dynamics among teenagers, particularly the challenges of trio friendships. The film uses suspense, mystery, and unexpected twists to engage the audience, while the blood-themed branding ties all elements together, creating a cohesive and memorable viewing experience. Our promotional strategies, including the use of social media and audience feedback, further enhance viewer engagement and build a community around our film. Through research and a deep understanding of our target audience, we've been able to challenge genre conventions and create a unique narrative that resonates with viewers. The powerful emotions of jealousy and exclusion are explored, reminding us of the potential consequences when such feelings go unchecked. I had a great time making my short production, I hope you enjoyed!



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