WE FORGOT- Production blog

Wow, it's been a minute since we last caught up. Today marked a significant milestone for my group and me, I finally wrapped up filming process. It's definitely been a rollercoaster journey. Just when I thought all the clips were ready and I began editing I realized we missed so many!! I spent today after school catching up on all the missed scenes, and I have to say, it was the most challenging filming day yet. The storyboard includes a scene where the girls spend a day at the beach together. However, with the spring break madness in Fort Lauderdale, the location had to be changed to a park. Then there were the school and lunch scenes. Since filming at an actual school wasn't an option, a building that resembled one closely enough was found, given that there aren't the resources to build a set.
The next hiccup was the funeral scene. The gravestone and flowers for these shots were forgotten. Under normal circumstances, I'd say let's come back another day with all the props, but there's a TIGHT DEADLINE. So, improvisation was key. Luckily, there are a variety of knick-knacks in my car, so the makeshift grave turned out okay, and for the flowers, some wildflowers that seemed to fit the bill were picked. This afternoon was incredibly stressful, but it was managed, which means I can finally move on to editing. Speaking of which, I better get started on that. Till next time, wish me luck with the editing process. I can't wait to share the final product with all of you. It's been an unpredictable journey, but the lessons learned and the memories made are truly invaluable. Through all the ups and downs, I've realized the power of creativity and improvisation. Whether it's changing a beach scene to a park or crafting a grave from car trinkets, filmmaking is about making the impossible possible. So here's to the chaotic, yet beautiful, process of bringing a vision to life. See you later!


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