Editing and Reviewing- Production Blog

Hey guys, I'm back! Now that all the scenes are officially finished, it's time to dive into the editing. I've always been the designated editor for my media projects and genuinely enjoy it. However, it's become super stressful recently with school and catching up on all my assignments. Thankfully, Sofia decided to step in and assist with the titles and sourcing copyright-free music for the film. This definitely does help lighten up the load a bit.I had precut most of the clips due to the lengthy filming process. Then, I started to arrange the clips in order, making transitions and cuts where necessary. Surprisingly, the movie ran for a total of 10 minutes—twice the limit for our short film. This meant I had to meticulously decide which clips to keep and which to discard, ensuring the plot remained coherent. This task was challenging, involving a lot of adding, deleting, and rearranging clips, sometimes deviating from our storyboard to enhance audience understanding. Adding music was another hurdle. The group took a while to agree on the music selection, and syncing it perfectly proved to be the most time-consuming task. In total, I think I spent around 6 hours editing, with half of that time focused on music alone. The sense of relief when the editing was finally complete was immense. Our acting might not win awards, but the feedback from other groups on our film has boosted my confidence in my work. They were engaged, trying to solve the mystery, which was precisely our aim. So, it's been a SUCCESS! I can't wait to showcase our effort and creativity. This project has been a rollercoaster, but the payoff has been incredibly rewarding.


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