Still sick- Production Blog

Hey blog! These past few days have been quite challenging. I'm still stuck with the flu and missing out on school. Being confined to my room is not as fun as it sounds; my daily routine revolves around watching movies and sleeping. While some might find this appealing, I'm honestly just bored. I really miss the days spent at school with my friends. The constant notifications about all the schoolwork I'm falling behind on are just adding to my frustration! To make good use of my abundance of free time, I reached out to my group about potentially filming this weekend if I start feeling better. In the meantime, I decided to take on the task of putting together the website to promote our movie. Originally, this responsibility fell on Carly's shoulders, but unfortunately, all her work got erased. Since I'm not doing much at home, I figured I might as well lend her a hand. I kicked things off by signing up for a Wix site. It's free with a Google account, making it relatively straightforward. Luckily, there's an AI on the platform that guides you through basic questions about the site's purpose. I've started laying down the groundwork, keeping it basic for now so Carly can later add her unique touch and pizzazz to make it stand out. Anyways Ill prob go take a nap, see you later blog!


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