Brain Storming- Production Blog

Hi blog! Welcome back, I can't believe it almost time to film. I have so many ideas to discuss but first me and my group need to go over a few details before the film day.  I have Media class with all my friends on B days so thats the perfect time to discuss everything as a group. I think it is important to start early that way no one is rushing to edit. I mentioned that it would probably be easiest to film at my house since m a center pint for everyone. Last year my group filmed most of our media projects at my house anyway and everything worked out great especially since my family loves to help out. I decided based on everyones schedules that a random day we have off of school might work best. Me and Natalia work weekends so that would be a little more difficult to plan ahead. Our next free day is presidents day the 19th, two weeks from now, giving us plenty of time to gather the props. I started to make a list... Flowers, fake grave, book bags, fake weapons, beach towels, ect. I already have most of these items, the only one that I would need to make is the fake grave. Im going to talk to Sofia and see if maybe we can work on it together since she is usually supper crafty. I think if we could get like a cardboard box and just paint it gray it'll be good. For the extra little details like the name and year of birth to death we can use a sharpie. Usually my media groups like to collaborate with other people so Im gonna text some friends from last year see if they want to be in the film. The more the merrier, I will use all the people I can get, that way the film is more realistic. Anyways I'm gonna get with my group this week to confirm everything. Piece out blog!! 


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