It all worked out- Production Blog

 Hey blog welcome back! I HAVE GREAT NEWS! I manage a princess party spa for little girls birthdays. So when I was at work Natalias texted our group chat. Her schedule cleared up for the 19th, so My group is going to get to film after all. This works out perfect because next weekend my cousin Ashley is coming to visit so I'll have more time to spend with her. Ashley said she didn't mind filming with us but since she only here for the weekend, I want to make it count. I already planned to go to a rage room with her that Sunday. If you haven't heard of a rage room, it's pretty much a room you go into and break a bunch of stuff. It has been all over my social medias recently so I think it'll be fun to try out. It will especially be helpful in taking out all my anger on something since these past weeks have been super stressful. The rage room company said it's important to come prepared with safety supply's, like goggles to protect our selves. Im going after school this week to grab it. ANYWAYS, since Natalia is free to film this coming Monday, me and Sofia are also gonna have to make the prop this week. It should be fairly simple, just cardboard and paint. She is gonna come over after tennis one day this week and make it. Ill text her about it later but Im thinkings it'll probably be Thursday or Friday. Wednesday is Valentines day so I have plans and its already Tuesday! This week is going by quick! I'll see you later blog. Piece out!

Here's a picture from work this week!


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