Welcome Back!

WOAH! Hey blog, its been so long, how are you? I have A LOT to catch you up on!! First off, I'm no longer a 16 year old sophomore I actually just turned 17 and now I'm starting my junior year. I had a long break over summer but I'm back better then ever. I am taking all new classes with different media students which means I had to leave my old media studies group "Kazmin and The Girls" behind, but that's okay cause I still got my number one girl Sofia. I am excited to collaborate with new students and see what they have to offer. Despite all these minor changes a lot has stayed the same. I still love to drive my car, Felicia a 2011 Honda Pilot. Late night drives with my friends while blasting music are still my favorite. This year besides AICE Media I've taken some new classes that have really been challenging me. For example, AP Psychology has really been kicking my butt. It's the only AP course I'm currently taking so I just need to stay focus and ill be fine. Anyways enough talk about school, let me update you on my friends. People come and go, but I've realized the ones that lift you up through your toughest times will will stick by you for life. I'm still super close with Emilia and Sofia and we pretty much do anything together. We even started planning our senior trip to Mexico. It is going to be great! after Sofia turns 18 that august, we are going to book our trip. Anyways I'm gonna get back to studying for Psychology. See you soon!!



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