Meet the NEW Team

 Hey guys I'm back, today I'm gonna talk about my group members and why we are the perfect team. Unfortunately being in a different media period with different students, my group changed a little. I believe this will give us a great chance to see what new people in my group have to offer. This will allow us to collaborate on the different skills they each bring to the table. This year I still have my best friend Sofia apart of the group swell as the new members Carleigh and Natalia. Ive been friends with Carleigh since freshman year so Im super excited to have the chance to work with her again this year. I recently became close with Natalia last year so this project will help us create a tighter bond that will overall help the outcome of our media. While we haven’t properly selected our roles yet for the poject, we have a good idea of the two pitches. After looking at Carleigh's past work Im pretty confident her and I will be actors in the film. She bring a lot of emotion to each role she has played. This next project will be our most ambitious one yet, so while I almost considered working with just one person or even alone, I realized it’d be better as a team! We all have the same media class in 2nd period, which is good because we can work together. Our project is big, so having 90 minutes every other day to plan together is really helpful. Since we're in the same class, we can ask each other for help, match our schedules, and make sure everyone has a say. We also have other friends in media who can help us. Anyways I can't wait to see what this new group has to offer. See you soon blog!!


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