Trying to Figure out a schedule

 Hey blog, welcome back. After a long two days for filming I didn't see my group for while. The group still kept in contact but just over text. During this time the group went over some important dates to remember for any upcoming editing. I wanted to wait until the group was all free to start editing that way no one was left out and each person equally played portion. Like last project in our music video each person had a role. I organized each clip and cut them each to the specific length and imported them to iMovie. I find this to be the easiest platform to use when editing. iMovie offers transitions, special effects, voice overs, zooming, filters, and any music insert I may need. Sofias role is to insert the tittles. This includes the first clip showing the main tittle of the movie, swell as name of actors, who edited, directed and wrote the script. For savannah I gave her the role of choosing the music. I didn't want to run into any copy right problems so she had to look for some free music that would fit will with the film. Kaz would choose the transitions for me to insert. He will make sure they fit right in-between the clips. Now all I needed to do was come up with the right time for to make this all happen. It going to be tricky finding time in everyones schedule but ill text my group again tonight and find out if they will be at school next week. In the mean time I'm going to go though my camera and piece together the videos I already have. Then I call savannah and check to see what she has and try to get her to send me any missing clips. Anyways ill talk to your later blog. Piece out!


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