Starting editing

 Hey blog, welcome back. Today me and my group started editing in class. I texted my group a few days ago asking if it would be better to edit outside of school but it doesn't work with anyones schedules. Anyway I tried to get done with what I could in the small amount of time. First I added all my clips into one album on my phone making It easier to find them when inserting. The Wifi was kind of slow today because of the rain so it was taking me a while. Eventually I imported all the clips into iMovie and then began to put them in the correct order. I was able to do most of this on my own but I did need Sofia to pull up the story board to help me figure it out. Once I got all my clip together is tarted to cut them to the desired length. When I drew out the story board I tried to label how long each clip would be that way when filming I would make the time requirement. I had the right idea but when filming it didn't go the way I hoped. This left me with more cutting but its okay. This took me most of the class because there were a lot of clips and the wifi was super slow. While I was doing this my group was mostly just catching up on work or assisting me with anything I needed help on. Whenever I had a question about something Sofia was my right hand girl. While I was working the only thing I could think about was going home and watching movie while in bed. It was rain pretty heavy this day so I couldn't wait to just go home and sleep. I think I may watch Spiderman when I get home, thats my favorite movie. Anyways blog hopefully the next time we talk ill be well rested and done with my portion of editing. Piece out blog!


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