finally spring break

 Hey blog welcome back, it’s Jenna. ITS FINALLY SPEING BREAK!! I am so excited to get off for a whole 10 days. Today was supposed to be a half day at school but I skipped since none of my friends were going anyway. Me, Emilia and Sofia went to sawgrass mall to pick out a new wardrobe for me and my friends lake trip to lake placid. I’ve never been more hyped for something like this. I’m going to be driving there alone. Im a little nervous because it’s about 2hours away and I’ve never driven that far before. I’m sure I’ll be fine though since I’ll be with my friends. Sofia started working on a car playlist for the ride up. Everything is coming together so well! I’m planning on going to the beach tomorrow to spend some time with my other friends before I leave. Emilia has work tomorrow too so I won’t be leaving till later on, probably around 5ish. Hopefully it doesn’t get dark too early. I’m taking highway 27th all the way up and there are ZERO street lights. Once me and the girls get up there, I’m going to set up the jet ski and boat, that way we can go tubing and do water sports ass soon as we wake up. I love tubing. I’d say I’m pretty good at staying on. Another thing I really like it scorffing. That’s pretty much like wake boarding except your feet aren’t attached to the board and your a lot close to the boat. Anyways blog I’m going to get some rest for my big day tomorrow. I wouldn’t wanna fall asleep while driving. Peace out! 


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