Couldn’t film because suns out buns out

 Hey guys it’s Jenna!! Welcome back to my production blog. I’m super excited to finally start the filming process of my horror title sequence. Me and my group always have a lot of fun with it, especially when other groups decide to join in and help out. I live in Florida so if you didn’t already know the weather is always all over the place. This weekend was definitely the hottest it’s been in so long. I knew that if I tried to film no one would have been in a good mood. Saturday ended up being 93 degrees which is insane. It might have been to hot to film but never to hot for the beach. Luckily I still have plenty of time to meet with my group to film. In the meantime I was getting my tan on. You’ll see me looking sunburnt in the video. Back to planning, I figured it would be best to go over any final details before jumping right into the filming process. I just finished adding the last details to my storyboard. I’m going to make sure everyone is good with what I drew before moving forward. It was decided that me and my group would do one last meeting this week to go over that. This will probably work best over a FaceTime call because everyone lives in different areas. during this FaceTime I can also get some verification on what props I should get or any safety equipment. I was thinking some safety kits and definitely some gloves. Props wise I was thinking fake blood and spray paint cans. Okay peace out Girl Scout. See you in the next one! Can’t wait to film. Byeeeeee


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