This is crazy

 Hey blog, it’s Jenna welcome back. Today was savanna’s birthday!! I hope she has the best day ever. I didn’t think it was a good idea to film on her birthday. It’s time to party!! It’s better off that I didn’t film anyway because it was extremely stressful at school. My school had had a code red. It was first period when we heard the announcements. So me and my classmates all ran to the corner of the room like procedure

. There were a lot of rumors going around about different scenarios of what could be going on but I was pretty confident there was a school fight again. Me and my friend Carly spent a good 1 hour on our phones waiting for more information on what could be going on. After a whole eventually everyone was able to return to their seats while being on a code secure. A code secure means you can continue to teach but no one can leave the room. Since my teacher had already finished our lesson for the day I watch a movie with Carly. It was about how this girl who only speaks Spanish becomes a nanny of this rich white family but then falls in love with her husband. Hours had passed and I was still in my first period classroom. Everyone either was thirsty and/or had to pee. It was such a boring day of nothing. I had no energy to do anything once o was home. I took a long nap after 2:40 when I was home. 


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