The next filming day!!

 Hey blog, its Jenna. Today, Monday was my second day of filming! I was super excited because its one step closer to the finished project. I had school today which was super long but after my group mates and friends made their way back to my house. I had homework for other classes but this project is time sensitive so the video comes first. It was definitely difficult to even get to my house at first and required multiple Ubers but eventually made it. As soon as everyone made it to my house I got them to change into their costumes super quick. These last few scene needed to take place in a school setting so everyone grabbed either a bike or scooter, while I biked my way to the elementary school by my house. I took charge and figured it be better to get the more difficult scenes out of the way before the sun went down. Sofia was coming up with a cheer while I blocked out where everyone would go for the final scene. It was pretty aggravating having to redo the scenes over and over because of the laughing but in the end I got it. The last scene had to be perfect because this was the part where the two lovers finally notice each other. Alot of complaining was involved especially over each persons costumes but I made due. I made a list of all the specific camera angles required so once all the filming was finished a made sure each was checked off. So scenes filmed later on were a bit darker but nothing a little editing can't fix. Around 5:30 is when I officially finished filming. Sofias phone ended up dying right when I finished recording her. I hope all of the clips saved. It was a long day, hopefully the editing process goes smooth tomorrow. Peace out blog!


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