Starting to film

 Hey blog its Jenna. Day one of filming is complete! My group all came over to my house today at 2pm along with some other friends. I decided 2 was the best time because I had work in the morning with Savannah, this would also give the others time to prepare. Once 2 came around Savannah, Sabrina, Kaz, Sofia, Emilia, and Jackson all came over it was time to begin. I spent the first half hour with Sofia planning everything out. It was my idea to film what ever scenes that were taken place at my house today and then tomorrow we will all meet again for the last few scenes at Floranda Elementary. I had a lot of people over which didn't seem like such a big deal when planning over face time but when everyones all there its difficult to get any work done. I reshot most of the scenes because of all the talking, no one could be quiet. Eventually it took a a lot of back and forth but I finished the recording process for the first portion. Me and Sofia spent a lot of time working on this car scene. In the scene I wanted to do a transition with a camera tilt from me turning the car wheel to Sofia doing a cheer routine. This was definitely one of the more difficult scenes because trying to get the perfect angle for the car clip was a real balance game. In the end after reviewing the clips it seemed to work out. Tomorrow Starts the second part of the music video. See you then blog, peace out. 


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