Almost Done Editing!!!

 Hey blog, Its Jenna. Todays a B day which mean I won't get a chance to talk to my group in class today. Im finishing the final touches for My music video. When I showed my group, the ruff draft Sofia noticed we missed a scene. When I went back to my story board she was right! I dont know how I missed it, but I ended up having to reorganize the clips because now the music would be off. It was the scene where I was throwing clothes behind me in frustration. This is about 3 second clip. That means I had to add 3 seconds to the end of the music after I already cropped. This required me to delete the sound and redownload it on to IMovie. This process took me a while. I finally added the clip to iMovie then dragged and dropped it to where I wanted it. I tried the clip to match the music and I was all sett. after I did that I wanted to have some sort of cool ending like an outro to the video. I added some text with a cool font, it said "You Belong With Me." When the letter pop up I made the background of the clip zoom into me and Sofia. Lastly I added a blur to really focus on the song. This took me about and hour or so. Anyways, hopefully Im not forgetting anything this time. Im going to send my final draft to the group in a little bit. Peace out blog. 


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