Intro blog (music video)

  Hey Blog, Im back! It me Jenna Angelina Olson, my middle name comes from my great grandma Angelina Montevergine. My mom's whole family comes from a small island in Italy named Stromboli. My brother and I are first-generation Americans. My brother's name is Jack Olson, we are two years apart. I have three dogs named, sugar, candy, and brownie. I turn 16 in December and I also get my license then. I'm so excited to finally have the freedom to drive where ever. My favorite class at the moment is Journalism. In Journalism, I recently have been working on an article for the Best Buddies club. I love high school, not the work portion though, I like the high school experience the most. I love spirit week, getting to dress up in different outfits matching with my friends. I like to take photos and plan out what I’m gonna wear each day.  I like to go to sports games, it doesn't have to be just my school's game, I will go to any football, soccer, or volley ball game that's going on. I like to wear the team's color and face paint. I love to scream and chant with my friends. Last week was my schools homecoming game and we won!! I love to listen to music and dance in my room on FaceTime with my friends. Now for the things I hate. I don't like lint, let me explain. I know it's a weird thing to hate but it's one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm seriously considering bringing a mini lint roller with me to school every day. Another thing I'm not so fond of is math, anything that relates to it. As soon as I step into math I feel like all my knowledge leaves my body like my Brain turns off. That is why I like AICE Media Studies so much because it doesn't require any crazy mathematics. Piece out for now.


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